Name: 彭玲玲 LINGLING
Date of Birth: May 29, 1987
Height: 160 cm
Measurements: 32C 23 35
Blog: http://linglingsos.blog.163.com/
T.Sina: http://t.sina.com.cn/linglingsos
About: 玲玲 LINGLING is a pretty and popular model blogger from Shanghai China. LINGLING has her own boutique store known as Ling's Love located in Shanghai People's Square shopping centre in Wusheng Road and also has an online store hosted in Taobao. If you've seen LINGLING's blog, you'll notice that she is really into Japanese fashions and make-ups. I really can't tell if she's a Chinese when she stands next to a Japanese - they just look alike! Anyway, only the best of LINGLING available here, all filtered by http://daily-lenglui.blogspot.com.

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