Name: Anjaylia Chan Ka Po 陳嘉寶
Date of Birth: Jan 8, 1990
Height: 163 cm
Measurements: 32B 24 33
Blog: http://jacso.hk/anjaylia
T.Sina: http://t.sina.com.cn/anjaylia
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AnjayliaChan.page
About: Anjaylia Chan Ka Po 陳嘉寶 is one of the new wave of young pretty models from Hong Kong. Even though Anjaylia is still studying but she already has her face appeared in several major TVC and print advertisements in Hong Kong. Anjaylia left me a deep impression after seeing her appearing for the first time in Beautiful Cooking (美女廚房) Season 2 Episode 16 (2009/08/02) and right away, I knew she'll be successful one day.
Unlike other new models who rely mostly on their sexy dressing and body to gain attention, Anjaylia is very down-to-earth with her ever sweet pretty face. Recently, Anjaylia just released her photo-book and DVD video known as "少女の生活 - Life Actually" Daydreaming Anjaylia. Anyway, only the best of Anjaylia available here, all filtered by http://daily-lenglui.blogspot.com.

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